Mission Vidhya Programm -2018,Gujarat

                            Primary education is the foundationwhich the devolopment of every citizen and nation as a whole built on. In recent past India’s improved education system is often cited as one of the main contributors to the economic development of india. At the same time, the quality of elementory education india has also been a major concern. Student of primary school at least have basic knowledge of reading, writing and simple mathematics equations which may be helpful in performing their daily avtivities.

                          While in Gujarat there has been notable focus and efforts on enrollment, and have brought a fare share of success for the primary education, concern for learning outcomes and quality education has been addressed by various enhancement programmes called Gunotsav, or ‘Celebrating Quality’.

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Shala No.12 Gondal,Rajkot

આધાર ડાયસમાં તા: 28.7.2018 સુધી અપડેટ થયેલ બાળકો મિશન પોર્ટલમાં અપડેટ છે . 29.7.2018 સુધી પોર્ટલમાં X2 ની એન્ટ્રી કરી શકાશે. 

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